Moving Towards A More Paperless Business

At Casium Technologies we have leveraged our 20 years of experience in business technology to partner with leading software companies to create a robust program of solutions that streamline processes, reduce time, helps control and reduce employee costs all while improving the employee and customer experience.

We take paper-based processes and convert them to automated workflows that minimize manual processes and improve employee productivity.  We offer various Document Management Solutions and, after in-depth assessment, will determine the best solution for your organization. Casium Technologies will implement the identified solution and successfully integrate it within your organization.

Identify paper-based processes to create automated workflows that improve employee productivity by decreasing manual processes. Our DOCUez line offers various scalable Document Management Solutions. Our team of experts will determine the optimal solution for your organization. The Casium Technologies Solutions Team will implement the identified solution and seamlessly integrate it within your organization.

  • DIGITIZE DOCUMENTS: Create an electronic filing cabinet by converting documents from paper to digital.
  • ORGANIZE YOUR DOCUMENTS: Easily categorize your documents and manage them in a secure and centralized location.
  • AUTOMATE YOUR PROCESSES: Improve accountability by digitizing your processes with electronic forms.
  • STREAMLINE YOUR PROCESSES: Gain visibility into your operations & increase the efficiency of cross-functional/departmental processes.
  • TRANSFORM PROCESSES: Drive innovation and transform your processes by leveraging analytics.

Document Routing

The DOCUez line offers the ability to scan a volume of documents and separate them based on a fixed number, a unique word, barcode, etc. This will eliminate repetitive tasks, catch errors and automatically route the document appropriately. Document Routing is a stand-alone solution that will complement any existing document management solution.

If You Feel Like Your Document Routing and Management Solutions Do Not Alight with Your Vision

It’s Time to Have a Conversation.